1-5 von 5 Ergebnissen

The Art Bulletin 1/1979.

College Art Association of America New York. 1979

Standardeinband. ca. 156 S. : Art Magazine/Kunst-Zeitschrift. English/In englischer Sprache. INHALT: WAYNE BEGLEY: The Myth of the Taj Mahal and a New Theory of Its Symbolic Meaning. MADELINE HARRISON CAVINESS: Conflicts Between Regnum and Sacerdotium as Reflected in a Canterbury Psalter of ca. 1215. HELEN S. ETTLINGER: The Iconography of the Columns in Titian's Pesaro Altarpiece. JAMES TURNER: The Structure of Henry Hoare's Stourhead. ELIZABETH JOHNS: Washington Allston's Dead Man Revived. ADA SHADMI BANKS: Two Letters from Girodet to Flaxman. NORMAN E. MULLER: Reflections in a Mirror - Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Depiction of the Trinity. Guter Zustand

Artikel-Nr.: 139481

The Art Bulletin 2/1969.

College Art Association of America New York. 1969

Standardeinband. ca. 96 S. : Art Magazine/Kunst-Zeitschrift. English/In englischer Sprache. INHALT: COLIN EISLER: The Golden Christ of Cortona and the Man of Sorrows in Italy Part One. JOHN WHITE: Donatello's High Altar in the Santo at Padua Part Two - The Reconstruction. EVERETT FAHY: The Earliest Works of Fra Bartolommeo. LISE VOGEL: Circus Race Scenes in the Early Roman Empire. CARL F. BARNES, JR.: Brunet's Romanesque Capital. KATHRYN BLOOM: Lorenzo Ghiberti's Space in Relief: Method and Theory. M. A. GOUKOVSKJ: A Representation of the Profanation of the Host: A Puzzling Painting in the Hermitage and Its Possible Author. EMMA H. MELLENCAMP: A Note on the Costume of Titian's Flora. MARTIN KEMP: J-L. David and the Prelude to a Moral Victory for Sparta. Guter Zustand

Artikel-Nr.: 139448

The Art Bulletin 2/1979.

College Art Association of America New York. 1979

Standardeinband. ca. 168 S. : Art Magazine/Kunst-Zeitschrift. English/In englischer Sprache. INHALT: JEFFREY c. ANDERSON: The Illustration of Cod. Sinai. Gr. 339. JERRILYNN D. DODDS: The Paintings in the Sala de Justicia of the Alhambra - Iconography and Iconology. RONA GOFFEN: Nostra Conversatio in Caelis Est: Observations on the Sacra Conversazione in the Trecento. ESTHER G. DOTSON: An Augustinian Interpretation of Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling, Part 1. JULIUS S. HELD: Rubens and Aguilonius - New Points of Contact. ANN UHRY ABRAMS: Politics, Prints, and John Singleton Copley's Watson and the Shark. CONSTANCE CAIN HUNGERFORD: Meissonier's Souvenir de guerre civile. JAMES L. YARNALL: Meryon's Mystical Transformations. Guter Zustand

Artikel-Nr.: 139482

The Art Bulletin 3/1965.

College Art Association of America New York. 1965

Standardeinband. ca. 88 S. : Art Magazine/Kunst-Zeitschrift. English/In englischer Sprache. INHALT: RAB HATFIELD: Five Early Renaissance Portraits. JAMES H. BECK: Niccolò dell' Area - A Reexamination. IRVING L. ZUPNICK: Pontormo's Early Style. PAL KELEMEN: El Greco's Roman Catholicism - A Document Reconsidered. GUY WALTON: Some Unnoticed Works by Pierre Puget. Guter Zustand

Artikel-Nr.: 139434

The Art Bulletin 4/1969.

College Art Association of America New York. 1969

Standardeinband. ca. 104 S. : Art Magazine/Kunst-Zeitschrift. English/In englischer Sprache. INHALT: ANNE MARKHAM SCHULZ: The Tomb of Giovanni Chellini at San Miniato al Tedesco. BARBARA EHRLICH WHITE: Renoir's Trip to Italy. JOSELITA RASPI SERRA: English Decorative Sculpture of the Early Twelfth Century and the Como-Pavian Tradition. CARMEN GOMEZ-MORENO, ELIZABETH H. JONES, ARTHUR K. WHEELOCK, JR., MILLARD MEISS: A Sienese St. Dominic Modernized Twice in the Thirteenth Century. MARILYN ARONBERG LAVIN: Piero della Francesca's Montefeltro Altarpiece - A Pledge of Fidelity. CLIFFORD MALCOLM BROWN: Una Testa de Piatone Antica con la Punta dil Naso di Cera - Unpublished Negotiations between Isabella d'Este and Niccolò and Giovanni Bellini. R.-A. D'HULST: Jordaens. ROLF KULTZEN: Seicento Painting in Friuli. Guter Zustand

Artikel-Nr.: 139450


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